
Welcome to the official dlite.js documentation!

Before reading this documentation, please read this:

  1. For all properties, if discord returns null or undefined for the property, it will return undefined/null for your side

What is dlite.js?

dlite.js is a new discord bot making package made by a special development team. dlite.js is designed for users to create bot more easily. Down below is the current key feature list.




Easily Set Presence of your bot, anywhere

Async Based

This library can be run with both async and sync.

However most fundamental features like get channel and

get guild requires async in order for it to work


Easily search through collections to find data. This is open for

users to use so this can also be used as database.

Note: This is stored in your device, and will stop working once storage ran out. Datas

stored will be wiped when bot goes offline.

When will dlite.js be released?

There is not a certain release date yet, but is planned to release its first version before Christmas of 2020.

Last updated